Master basic and advanced elements of narrative storytelling.
Develop story concepts, short films, show bibles, and more.
Learn how to breakdown great works with the guidance of a Hollywood writer.
Well-developed characters, exciting action, thrilling tension—many facets combine to create a captivating story. This course will introduce students to the fundamental concepts of fictional story creation for the visual medium of movies and television. Students will focus on the pillars that form a solid foundation for compelling narrative such as premise, genre, character development, story structure, and more.
In this course, you will learn to think critically, creatively, and explore the science behind the art. This class will delve into various genres, the complex relationship between protagonists and antagonists, the 3-act structure, how to create tension, and all the other crucial elements of generating a solid, cohesive story. This course is taught by professional screenwriter and published author of Prewriting Your Screenplay: A Step-By-Step Guide to Generating Stories, Michael Tabb.
Origin of Stories
Learn the key elements of engaging storytelling including character creation, 3-act story arc design, premise development, and genre analysis.
Starts March 9, 2022
Writing a Short Film
Develop your original ideas for a short film by generating a premise, plot, and characters under the guidance of a Hollywood writer.
Starts April 6, 2022
Writing the Show Bible
Create a set of characters in a world that can inspire multiple stories and plots for an episodic show fit for TV or digital streaming.
Starts May 4, 2022
Needs some content
Needs some content
“I walked into the course with no knowledge about screenwriting, and the course helped put me on the right track. [Michael Tabb] has a teaching style that simplifies the information [to be] easily digestible for both beginner and experts alike… I can’t wait for the next Screenwriting class to start, and get the guidance needed for me to finish my story.”
– Student, Screenwriting Summer Program